Leadership for a LIFETIME | Jumpstart May 13, 2023

Greetings, Jumpstart community! For those that we missed at the recent enlightening discourse by Stacy Brown, aptly titled 'Leadership for a LIFETIME'. Imagine Stacy, a beacon of unwavering guidance, sharing her leadership journey, a path entwined with Lifetime Fitness for an impressive twenty-year tenure.

Stacy kicked off the talk by tweaking the all-too-familiar 'have to' or 'got to' into the more invigorating 'Get to...'. Such a simple shift, but oh, how it brightens the landscape of daily tasks!

Our protagonist's Christian faith is her guiding compass, shaping her interactions and approach. She is the embodiment of transparency, communicating all aspects of business - the financial intricacies, the performance highs and lows - with her team, regardless of their rank in the organizational structure.

Stacy advocates for embracing the less appealing tasks in life, a philosophy she ardently instills in her team. She emphasized that we might not control others' actions, but we hold the reins of our reactions. She also highlighted the necessity of finding those who will walk the journey with you, arm in arm.

Change, in Stacy's worldview, is not a storm to be weathered, but a breeze to be welcomed. She shared three guiding principles she teaches her children - to be a good friend, to be an includer, and be a good leader. The moment one of her children were recognized as leader marked a heartening affirmation for her.

She passionately addressed the importance of tough conversations, asserting that we truly blossom when we step out of our comfort zones. On personal growth, she shared, "I'm growing every day because...I get to...".

Stacy underscored the significance of empathy in communication, meeting people at their level, in every sense. She urged her team to introspect - are they truly giving their all?

Sensitive topics such as transgender issues were broached with poise and calm, showcasing her true leadership spirit. She shared a profound quote, hinting something along the lines of "Jesus loves us cause He's good, not because we're good!"

When asked about how she stays grounded, Stacy revealed her secret - daily immersion in scripture and active participation in her faith community. Her passion was palpable as she spoke about her alignment with her current path, seeing no alternative as fulfilling.

A significant portion of the talk was devoted to an exploration of the book 'The Energy Bus', a tome that has profoundly impacted her life. A breakout session allowed for a deep dive into the '10 Rules of The Energy Bus', even though time constraints permitted only a partial journey through the workshop.

We wish you could have been there to experience the energy, the insight, and the inspiration firsthand. But fear not, as we continue our journey together, let's carry Stacy's wisdom and principles with us, and let's keep laying the foundation, brick by brick.
